Monday, February 6, 2017

Stalking Lisa Abellera at the San Francisco Writer's Conference

   I just sent this email to Lisa Abellera, and agent with Kimberley Cameron & Associates who I hop[e to pitch my Novel to at the "Speed Dating" session on Friday morning. I will have three minutes to make my pitch. I hope that giving her this heads up will not be taken as too forward or inappropriate.  She looks, however, to be my best shot at pitching to an agent that might be interested in my book.  She only accepts queries from people she meets at such conferences.  She also has an interesting process of hosting pitch sessions on Twitter which I plan to look into.
   The other agent, Mary C. Moore, seems more interested in Young Adult and Graphic Novels, but I hope to pitch to her also.
   I am disappointed that such a large conference has only two agents attending that are interested in Historical Fiction.
   What do you think of this pre-pitch pitch?

Dear Ms. Abellera

As you will be one of only two agents at the SFWC who is interested in Historical fiction (the other is Mary C. Moore), I am most excited to meet and pitch to you. 
I have even rented an elevator to practice in, though it only goes to the third floor.

See you in SF!

 H Joseph Horacek, Jr.


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