Friday, February 10, 2017

What if Jesus was not God?

What if Jesus was not God,
Not born of a virgin,
Did not have supernatural powers,
Or could rise from the dead?
What if he spent his youth with Druids in Britain,
And Buddhists in India?
What if he lost his wife in childbirth,
Drank too much, struggled with depression?
What if he was like us?
What if we were like him?

This is the story of one of the most influential spiritual leaders of all time
As seen through the eyes of his great-uncle
Who did not believe he was God,
Born of a virgin, or had supernatural powers.
This is also the story of the one,
Who brought him to Britain and India
Helped him to rise from the dead,
And escape to Kashmir.
This is also the story of that man,

The Merchant of Arimathea.

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