Saturday, January 21, 2017

First Query Letter Sent to Literary Agent Steve Chudney at The Chudney Agency

   Big Step! My first query letter went out to the literary agent Steve Chudney at The Chudney Agency. I picked him for several reasons. First, he grew up in Israel and likes books about the Middle East. Secondly, he will only accept a query letter for the first step. If he is interested he will ask for the synopsis which is well roughed out now. I put it on Google Docs for my daughter, who is my first stage editor to look at and suggest edits/changes. It should be well polished by the time I hear back. He says his response time is 2 - 3 weeks.
   I got his name and address from the "Guide to Literary Agents 2016."
   I am also going to send the query letter today to a new agent, Kurestin Armada at PS Literary as she also accepts only a query letter for the first step. I have read that New Agents may have fewer contacts, but more time to devote to shopping your book. We'll see. I am excited!

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