Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Speed Dating at the San Francisco Writer's Conference

   Here's the blurb for the Speed Dating Session of SFWC:

   Speed Dating is a wildly popular and valuable add-on session at the San Francisco Writers Conference where writers can meet, interview and network with New York, LA and Bay Area literary agents. Speed Dating attendees say you can’t beat this opportunity to pitch your book-one-on-one to more than twenty agents for only $60!

   I signed up for this but when I went through the list of agents and what they were looking for there were only two who were at all interested in Historical Fiction.  They are Lisa Ababellera and Mary C. Moore. Both work for KIMBERLEY CAMERON & ASSOCIATES. I hope I get to meet both of them. For each agent, I will be allowed three minutes to pitch my book. Maybe if they're not interested they might recommend The Merchant of Arimathea to a fellow agent they know who is looking for Historical Literature or Biblical-Historical-Literature.

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