Thursday, January 26, 2017


   The lightning fast rejection by Steven Chudney got me thinking. He wrote that he grew up in Israel. If he is a Jew, is that a factor in his, “not resonating” with the story? I don’t know if Mr. Chudney is a Jew or not or if that had anything to do with his immediate rejection of my query letter. The thought did get me thinking about the potential for a negative bias by Jewish agents and publishers against what they may misconstrue as yet another Christian “Jesus Story,” to add to the long list of anti-Semitic literature of the world.
   How do I avoid, however, having The Merchant of Arimathea categorized as Christian Fiction? I got on Google and found some definitions:

Christian Fiction - Christian authors about Christian Themes. A definite spiritual message as a component

Jewish Fiction - Jewish authors about Jewish themes, either religious or secular

Bible fiction - Works of fiction, which use characters, settings, and events taken from the Bible.

Historical Fiction - A fictional story that is set in the past and sometimes borrows true characteristics of the time-period in which it is set.

Fictional biographies - A sub-genre of Historical Fiction.

   The best fit I can come up with to the above is Hybrid Genre: Secular-Biblical-Historical-Fiction, Sub-Genre: Fictional-Biography.

   What do you think?

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